
Showing posts from April, 2019

Carpet protection- To Protect Or Not to Protect

Carpet protection is extremely important for your carpet, but when talking with most people, I find out that they don't know exactly what it is or what it does. In my years of cleaning, I've met people with almost brand new carpet ask to have carpet protection applied, and I've also met people who need their carpets cleaned every six months (*raises his hand*) who don't think they have a need for carpet protection. Both cases were wrong. Carpet protection has many names, most of which are brands that you may or may not have heard of. 3M's Scotchgard, DuPont's Teflon, or whatever other name used, normally have the word "protectant" in the name by other manufacturers. They all do pretty much the same thing, repel water and resist soiling. Protectant has some great benefits when used as it is designed. Let's begin with what it does. In simplistic terms, it creates a short-term water resistance, giving you more time to clean up something that...

Polythene Sheeting: It Has Many Uses For Your Home

Wherever you stand, you are probably no more than an arm's reach from 5 products made from polythene. Polythene is a sturdy plastic that can be found in many things and has many uses. One that many people are familiar with is PVC piping. You can find this kind of piping in your home, and even in industrial settings. The large conduits that carry water under the highways or through sewers are also PVC. One use that people don't think about is Polythene Sheeting. Polythene Sheeting has many uses and can be found in many things. Shower curtains, trash bags and insulating plastic on windows are all some of the most common forms of this sheeting. You can also find it in the gardens. For many years, gardeners, both home and commercial, have known that black plastic sheeting has multiple uses. If you put it on your garden when you are planting, you make sure that you have many fewer weeds. It also holds in heat from the sun, which heats the ground, helping everything grow faster...